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    There is no compromise for Veronica, traitor to the Republic of Indonesia

    There is no compromise for Veronica, traitor to the Republic of Indonesia

    The issue of independent Papua is one of the very troubling issues in the country. And more alarming because the Papuan drama asked for independence to be aired in the midst of stretching development carried out by President Jokowi over the Land of Papua.
    Meanwhile there are still parties who fish in murky water. After being born, ate and breathed the air of the country, he could betray his own country. Even when he was abroad, the Government still provided scholarships for his doctoral degree.
    He is Veronica coman. "Veronica Koman is an Indonesian citizen who received a scholarship to study in Australia, and broke a promise to return to Indonesia as a recipient of a scholarship bond," said Mahfud MD at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Tuesday (11/19/2019).
    The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD considered that Veronica Koman activists and lawyers as broken Indonesian citizens. Because, he is a student and citizen who received a scholarship in the country, but considered Mahfud, refused to go home.
    Veronica is now a suspect in a suspected case of spreading hoaxes and provocative content over the attack on the Papua Students dormitory some time ago. According to Mahfud MD, his party has explained the matter of Veronica Koman to the Australian Government. At present, Veronica Koman is still doing her S2 studies in Australia.
    According to Mahfud MD, his party has explained the matter of Veronica Koman to the Australian Government. At present, Veronica Koman is still doing her S2 studies in Australia.
    "I have also told the Australian Government. If we talk Veronica Koman is not because she speaks loudly in your country, but this is about our law, our legal rights. He must be responsible, "he said.
    What exactly is Veronica Koman looking for from its "struggle" for independent Papua? What benefit will Veronika Koman get from supporting the Free Papua Movement and risking its security? Does he dream of becoming the "First Lady" of the new country of Papua, like being his wife Benny Wenda ??
    Or is he trying to find an instant way to be known and glimpsed by international organizations such as ONHCR or international scale humanitarian organizations such as DFID or USAID?
    Every action and action must have a reason and background. Veronica Koman's act made use of this "Free Papua" just so that she would get international attention and be grateful for getting a job without having to go through super tight selection.
    Because he is Indonesian. He is an Indonesian citizen, has a KTP and an Indonesian Passport. Good or bad Indonesia remains a place of refuge. Unless the Veronika Koman was born to be a traitor ... let alone Indonesia, he might betray his parents themselves. We never know, no?

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